
The power to connect

The straightest path between two points is not always the one to take. Direct is good, elegant is better. When developing explainers, one should stray as far as possible from the line without losing the ability to be direct.

2022 Explainer Video Sizzle Reel

Alera It’s time to engage

PSE&G Payment Assistance

GE/Toshiba and Chubu’s Nishi Nagoya Japan Electric partnership

How Insurance Works A breakdown of common costs involved in a surgery.

Microsoft Architects A breakdown of software architecture for enterprise.

Our impressive collection of videos for Utility Inc’s Digital Evidence Management System.

A cinematic approach to explainers.

Our series of Political Explainers on Net Neutrality, Analog Sustainability and Competition in the service provider space.

Larynx Lock Must-have life-saving tool for emergency workers.

Airway Triage App Promo for life-saving app for Airway Academy.

HP Helion An introduction to the Self-Service cloud

HP Migration A quick reminder that you should be using HP

HP Openstack Rack A winning software/hardware combination.

ABC Research A scrappy market research firm that cuts overhead and gets results.

Evolve Sometimes logistical support is the difference between growth and demise.

Chyron HDVC A state of the art video management system for private businesses serving the public.

ChyTV Instant content for public spaces via the web-based ChyTV Network